
Essential qualification for those working or seeking work as a Door Supervisor in the private security industry. The qualification is a pre-requisite under the terms of the Private Security Industry Act (2001) for individuals wishing to apply to the Security Industry Authority for a licence to work as a Door Supervisor.

A Door Supervisor licence is required if manned guarding activities are undertaken in relation to licensed premises, except where the activity only involves the use of CCTV equipment or falls within the definition of cash and valuables in transit or close protection. Licensed premises are those open to the public at times when alcohol is being supplied for consumption, or regulated entertainment is being provided.

Key Benefits

  • Provides full coverage of the competences specified by the Security Industry Authority (SIA) for Door Supervisors

  • Meets the SIA requirements for a licence-linked qualification

  • Aimed at new entrants to the private security industry without a previous award or qualification conferring full or partial exemption

  • A Door Supervisor licence is required by anyone undertaking manned guarding activities on licensed premises

  • Online testing available

  • Remote interactive delivery permitted subject to approval.

Qualification Title Ofqual Code Credit Value Guided Learning Hours Total Qualification Time
603/5511/6 6 52 61

Learners must be able to communicate effectively in English (speaking, listening, reading and writing) and centres must have procedures in place for establishing the learners’ competence in the use of the English language. Learners should as a minimum have English language skills equivalent to: 

  • A B2 level qualification on the Home Office’s list of recognised English tests and qualifications 
  • B2 Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR) 
  • An ESOL qualification at (Level 1) on the Ofqual register taken in England, Wales or Northern Ireland
  • An ESOL qualification at Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Level 5 awarded by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and taken in Scotland
  • Functional Skills Level 1 in English 
  • SQA Core Skills in Communication at Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Level 5 
  • Essential Skills Wales Communication Level 1 

Learners must hold a current and valid First Aid or Emergency First Aid at Work certificate.  This must meet the requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.


For full details, please see our Qualification Specification document.

Assessment is by multiple choice examination and internally assessed practical demonstration. Four externally set and externally marked multiple choice exams marked by LASER. 

Each exam: 

  • is administered by centre staff under examination conditions
  • has a pass mark of between 70% and 100% (see Qualification Specification for individual unit requirements)
  • assesses one unit
  • lasts between 30 to 110 minutes.

For the Physical Intervention (PI) unit learners must achieve 100% from a ‘question and answer’ session covering critical areas of PI knowledge. In addition, for each of the four mandatory units, learners must successfully complete an internally assessed practical activity.

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