The purpose of LASER’s quality assurance is to work with approved centres to ensure that certificates which are awarded to learners are a valid and secure reflection of their learning and assessment.

Once a centre has been approved, LASER undertakes ongoing monitoring and support through an assigned Quality and Curriculum Reviewer. This focuses on the following areas:

  • Ensuring that centres understand and are complying with the Centre Recognition criteria

  • Ensuring that centres’ training, assessment and internal quality systems are robust

  • Ensuring that centres have appropriately qualified and experienced staff and resources to deliver training, assessment and internal quality assurance.

Quality and Curriculum Reviewers undertake a schedule of centre quality review visits and meetings for all centres, and are available in between visits to support centres. Centres receive a copy of all reports on completion of any EQA activity, and reports may identify actions required to maintain LASER approval.

Please note that Access to HE provision is covered by a separate quality assurance system. 

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News and Events


Qualification Focus: LASER Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders

LASER Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders is an essential qualification for people...

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Qualification Focus: LASER Level 2 Award in Understanding Stewarding at Spectator Events

LASER’s Level 2 Award in Understanding Stewarding at Spectator Events is a qualification for...

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June 2024 Qual Focus

Qualification Focus: LASER Level 3 Award in Supervising Food Safety

The LASER Level 3 Award in Supervising Food Safety has been developed for those supervising or...

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