We appreciate the importance of funding in the decision making for your qualification and delivery choices. Each of our Qualification Information Sheets show the funding position at time of publication, however government funding regimes are subject to change and we always advise you to check the current position.

Please note that while this data is updated frequently, weadvise you to check the current position of government funding regimes for accuracy.

You may find these links to funding information helpful in identifying funding sources and eligibility.

Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA)

  • ESFA Hub: provides information on qualification funding for use by organisations working with the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).

  • ESFA Funding and Eligibility Rules: states the rules for adult education budget (AEB) funding rules. The rules apply to all providers of education and training who receive AEB funding.

  • Guide to Accessing ESFA Funding: Provides guidance for organisations who need to access Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) funding.

  • Further education and training providers community: A peer-led online forum available for education professionals within the FE and training provider community to discuss funding and related issues. 

Dorset Growth Deal

Dorset Growth Deal: Identifies opportunities, including funding, available from the Dorset LEP to work to create more highly skilled jobs and boost the local economy across Dorset.

BTVLEP Local Growth Fund

The Buckinghamshire Thames Valley Local Enterprise Partnership (BTVLEP) Local Growth Fund: is enabling better skills and business opportunities and enhancing digital connectivity to support sustainable economic growth in Bucks.

National Lottery Fund

National Lottery Fund: UK wide funding opportunities

For all other Government funding information please click here.

This information is provided in good faith and is subject to change at any time by the funding organisations. Centres are responsible for checking funding eligibility directly with funding organisations.

LASER qualifications which are approved for public funding can be found by searching here.

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If you have a query, feel free to contact us using the form below, and we'll get back to you.

News and Events

Fiona Morey Obe

Empowering Through Education: An Interview with Fiona Morey OBE on International Women’s Day

This International Women’s Day, we are delighted to speak with Fiona Morey, Chair of Trustees at...

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Screenshot 2025 01 28 130542

Qualification Focus: Education and Training

At LASER we transform people’s lives by the recognition of their learning and achievement. We are...

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Access Existing Students

LASER Access to HE Annual Conference

LASER Access to HE Annual ConferenceFriday 2 May 2025, 10am - 3.30pmJoin us for our free online...

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