LASER Access to HE Annual Conference
LASER Access to HE Annual Conference
Friday 2 May 2025, 10am -...
Internal standardisation is the process by which the consistency of the application of delivery and assessment of the identified level(s) is ensured. This encompasses a review of internally set tasks and the outcomes of internal assessment to ensure consistency across the range of LASER courses being delivered by your centre. Standardisation must take place when there is more than one tutor/assessor delivering LASER provision which includes where there is more than one delivery site.
It is recommended that internal standardisation meetings include all tutors, internal verifiers and IQAs concerned with LASER qualifications and units, and that action plans are produced which are subsequently followed up. LASER’s Quality and Curriculum Reviewers (QCRs) will ask to see evidence of internal standardisation activity and of how the centre identifies and disseminates the outcomes of internal standardisation activity including good practice. It is recommended that during internal standardisation activity all staff complete the standardisation record (IQA06) form. These should then be collated and reviewed with outcomes recorded and any action plan produced (which is subsequently followed up) by the IQA before being disseminated.
The frequency and timing of internal standardisation activity is decided by each centre but must be undertaken at least once a year. The QCR would expect to see the date(s) in the IQA’s yearly calendar of events.
Evidence of consistency and a common understanding of credit value and level
Opportunities for staff to share good practice in assessment, including writing assignment briefs, benchmarking, evidencing, providing feedback to learners and record keeping
Opportunities for self-assessment and action planning towards quality improvement.
LASER will hold standardisation events to ensure that comparable standards are achieved year on year and that there is a consistency of delivery and assessment across our centres. Please visit our standardisation events web page for more information and how to reserve a place.
If you have a query, feel free to contact us using the form below, and we'll get back to you.
LASER Access to HE Annual Conference
Friday 2 May 2025, 10am -...
At LASER we transform people’s lives by the recognition of their learning and achievement....
LASER is excited to have entered into an exclusivity agreement with GEC, granting the...
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